Monday, April 24, 2017

Life Updates, Excitement, and New Adventures!

It's been a while since I've posted anything aside from the Sunday coupons found in the Houston Chronicle! Life has been busy and honestly? I've had a tremendous case of writer's block! I'm disappointed with myself about that, and I plan to get back on the blogging bandwagon.

On the home front, things have been relatively peaceful! Gail is currently on a 6 month break from cardiology appointments (though she goes back May 9). We still don't know when her surgery will be, we just know that they want her to get bigger before it takes place. She is thriving every day!! She's got an AMAZING grasp of all her colors, and she has a special love for animals. It melts my heart to see her learning new things all the time!

Maddie and Kay are doing well also! Their most current excitement is getting ready for the end of the school year. Kay is getting ready for a field trip to the Big Thicket, and her end of the year music program. Maddie is getting ready for her first year of STAAR testing (we are keeping her pumped and POSITIVE about it!). Maddie and Kay are BOTH getting excited for Field Day, and Aloha Day. There's just lots of that "Almost Summer" excitement going on around here!

I call these three my 3 Musketeers because everything they do, they do TOGETHER. It's amazing to see how much love they share for each other (even if they do fight like cats and dogs sometimes). They start their days together, and equally end them together! Maddie and Kay get sad if Gail doesn't wake up to see them before they go to school, and Gail refuses to fall asleep at night if she's not part of our regular mommy/daughter bedtime prayer routine. I'm telling you there's no separating these 3!

I have started some new adventures, so I'm excited as well! It's something I've been thinking about for a while now (a little over a year), but fear of the unknown kept me from taking the leap.

I made the decision to start selling AVON, y'all!! I've been an AVON gal since I was 12, and I've always loved their products. Their eyeliner really WORKS, and they've got a newly released line of makeup that I can't wait to personally try! Shoutout to my best friend for encouraging me to join her team!! Aside from dealing with writer's block, I'd also kind of been in a funk of depression, and I'm already noticing a dramatic improvement in how I feel about life since taking this leap! I really can't wait to see what the future holds in store for me with these new endeavors (and for my family as well).

There are other new exciting things happening for our family, but I will write about those at another time! I don't want to jynx things by telling too soon, because nothing is set in stone yet!

For now, I'm going to get back into posting regular updates about our family life, and I'll be posting great AVON deals with each campaign! If you love AVON, and don't want to wait for the posts, you can take a browse through my estore here.

So now you know what's going on over here on my end! For now though, I'm logging out to get back to the cleaning! The weekend wiped me out with a toothache, and I've got lots to do before the girls get in from school!