Showing posts with label Frankincense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankincense. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2016

New York Biology Frankincense Essential Oil

So today, I'm giving you all a double-dose in my series on New York Biology's Essential Oils (you can catch my previous post here). For those just joining in, this is a sponsored series, meaning that I was sent these oil for free in exchange for my reviews. This does not change that all thoughts and opinions in this post are my own! That being said, let's talk FRANKINCENSE!

New York Biology's Frankincense oil is the Boswellia Serrata kind, coming straight from India. It's scent has a soft earthy tone to it. The earthy aroma makes it pleasant, and not overbearing, which I love! NYB's Frankincense oil can be purchased on Amazon.

Frankincense has many medicinal properties. It's even been suggested in some studies that it can help fight certain cancer cells that have become resistant to chemotherapy treatments.

So what are some of the other medicinal properties? Well, take a look at the list below.

  • Antidepressant
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Helps to treat insomnia (my husband and I actually use this, blended with lavender, in our diffuser at night)
  • Helps to relieve congestion and other respiratory issues
  • Has antibiotic properties that can help with conditions like urinary tract infections
Granted, the list above is only a FEW of the many benefits that come from Frankincense oil. There are plenty more not listed! The fact that Frankincense oil has so many medicinal uses is exactly why it's one of the most sought-after oils on the market. It's definitely a staple in my own medicine cabinet.

As a reminder, if you're just joining this series, you can check out some of New York Biology's other oils below:
Tuesday, I'll be back with my review & thoughts on NYB's Peppermint Essential Oil, so stay tuned!