Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 4th Adventures!!

I realize that I didn't really post last ALL. Honestly? I just needed time to unwind, and spend time with my girls!! Sometimes it's GOOD to forget about routine, and just enjoy the moment. Yesterday was ALL about moments, and good memories!!!

In case y'all didn't know, eating good food happens to be one of my favorite hobbies!!

In the spirit of July 4th, we DEFINITELY had plenty to go around! All of the sides were prepped and ready the night before. Basically, all we had to do yesterday was fire the pit up to cook all the meat.

I cannot tell you how HAPPY this made me, to have so much good food to chow down on, haha!

Houston Chronicle P&G Insert - 7/5/15

Thursday, June 25, 2015

4 Word-of-Mouth Websites for Reviewing Free Products

Soooo, I've been meaning to get around to this particular post for quite a WHILE now!! As many of you know, I tend to type up a lot of reviews. Many of my friends are always asking just how I manage to score all of the awesome products I've been given, so it's time to get around to some answers! Haha!

The websites listed below are primarily word-of-mouth websites; this means that big name companies are depending on influencers to spread the word about their as many people as possible!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Our Father's Day Adventures (Mostly in Pictures)

I said I would post about our Father's Day here goes! Our day yesterday was very relaxing! We decided to do something that we haven't done in a WHILE now. We went fishing!! It's seriously been a few years now since the last time we actually went. It was also the girls' first time to truly enjoy the experience!

What I love the most about yesterday is that it gave "daddy" the chance to really spend time with the girls. He works a LOT, and rarely gets time off of work, so it's not often that he gets to have real bonding time with them!